About The Speaker

Tathiane Mattos
speaker/advisory board
Tathiane Mattos, a Rio native living in London, works in social work with a focus on homeless populations, mental health, and Latino families identified for child protection. In addition to being an actress, cultural producer, and researcher, she holds a master's degree in Theater from ESTC in Lisbon and specializes in Anthropology. Her artistic career began in 2004 with Amir Haddad in the Grupo Tá Na Rua. In 2013, she moved to Lisbon, where she was a stage director for the Agadá Afro Contemporary Dance Company and founded the Teatro das Yabás Project, dedicated to promoting Afro-Brazilian cultural heritage. In London, she collaborates with Afro ID, promoting inclusion and support for the Afro-Latino community.
Film Curator