About The Speaker

Priscila Trasmontano Farias
Priscila Trasmontano Farias holds a Master's degree in Management Systems from the School of Production Engineering of the Fluminense Federal University - UFF, an MBA on Controllership and Finances from UFF, and a Bachelor degree in Accountancy from the Plínio Leite University Center - UNIPLI. Since her graduation, she has followed the research line in Social Responsibility, and together with the master's program, she coordinated the development and implementation of Asset and Liability Management - ALM at the Brazilian public company for the promotion of science, technology and innovation, Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos - Finep. Both awarded works. Analyst in carrer transition for the Department of Development and Strategic Formulation (DDFE), linked to the Planning Area (APLA), for the promotion of programs aligned with the SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals and actions related to ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance.