About The Speaker

Alexandra Teodósio
Alexandra Teodósio is Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Sustainable Development at the University of the Algarve (UAlg) and the European University of The Seas, SEA-EU: Erasmus+Partnerships for Excellence. She was Deputy Director at the CCMAR Centre of Marine Sciences. She coordinates the Consortium of Marine Sciences Schools (Centro Ciencia Lingua portuguesa -UNESCO, CIENCIA LP) that supports PhD scholarships for Portuguese-speaking countries' nationals (FCT funding). She is the deputy director of the CoLAB in Sustainable and Smart Aquaculture. She is a Full Professor of Marine Sciences (Ph.D. in Biological Oceanography 1996). Her main research interests lie in the impacts of global change on aquatic food web and biodiversity, such as warming, acidification, invasive species, jellification, and plastification of the seas, from tropical to temperate areas. Her research and education projects have focused on sustainable blue growth to address the needed blue ecological transition. She coordinates the Ecoreach research group - Ecology and Restoration of Riverine, Estuarine, and Coastal Habitats. She is responsible for the planktonic time series in the South Iberian Lower Guadiana Station (https://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/copepod/time-series/pt-30201/) with data since 1997. She has been teaching and researching at UAlg for the last 35 years, with sabbaticals at the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM), Barcelona, Spain, in 2005/06, and at the University of Miami, USA, in 2015/16. In UAlg, she has coordinated several study programs, including bachelor's, masters, and Ph.D. programs. During the 2017-2021 mandate as Vice Rector for Research of UAlg, she coordinated the creation of the Gender Equality Inclusivity Plan - PI2UAlg. This plan was implemented within the Sustainable Horizon (SHEs) project, where she is the PI (European Universities designing the horizons of sustainability - 101071300 Horizon Europe, 2022-2024). She is the president of the UAlg Sustainability Council, where the annual sustainability report on SDG has been elaborated since 2021. S She is now deputy director of the Collaborative Laboratory in Sustainable and Smart Aquaculture S2AQUA.